Privacy policy

This Privacy Policy ("Policy") applies between you ("You","Your" and "Yours") as a registered user of  the Service Showroom ("Service") and Morning Venture One AB ("Showroom", "We", "Our",  "Us"), org. 559483-1694. The service is primarily intended to be a digital marketplace where  companies wishing to buy influencer marketing can post ads for publication in your social media  channels, get in touch with You, enter into agreements, follow up the spread of the ads  published and administer the payment to hired influencers. The service is offered via a smartphone  application ("App").  

1. We care about your privacy 

Showroom protects your privacy and always strives for a high level of data protection. We follow laws and  directives to protect your privacy, as well as internal rules for the practical handling of personal data. 

We process your personal data only for specific and explicitly stated purposes. It is important that you  take note of and understand the Policy and feel confident in our processing of your personal data. 

We are continuously working on privacy issues and may therefore update this Policy, which is why you  should review our Policy at regular intervals to be up to date. In case of major changes to Our processing  of Your personal data, We will also notify you of the email registered in the App. You'll always find the  latest version of the policy in the App.   

You are always welcome to contact Us if you have any questions or comments about our handling of your  personal data. 

2. What personal data do we handle?

To use Our Service, We must collect personal information about You in different phases. When registering  your account, we need the following information about You: 

1) First and last names, 
2) Birth date 
3) an e-mail address, 
4) profile picture, 
5) home address, 
6) the contents of your Instagram account 
7) address and 
8) password. 

You can also choose  to register via Facebook. We  then collect Personal Data  from your public Facebook  profile.  

We may ask for more personal data in connection with You being accepted and publishing a campaign or for You to receive  compensation, such as bank account  and  full social security number. 

Through  Your  use,  We  will  also  have  access  to  your  user  history,  such  as  the  dissemination  of  Your  promotions. We will also have access to certain standard technical information about your use, such as your  emailID or unique identifiers, geographic location, data and connection information, as well as page views  statistics. 

3. What personal data do we collect and for what purpose (why)? 

Once you have provided personal data to Us, We will process this information for the purposes and on the  basis of the legal basis set out below:

Information about You.

Purposes for the use of  Your data.

Our legal basis for this purpose is.


Email, first and last  name,  date  of birth,  profile  picture, username and  password.

To administer Your use. 

The  user  agreement  we  have  entered  into  with  You  (i.e.  our  commitments  arising  from  the  General Terms and Conditions) provides the legal  basis  for  handling  Your  personal  data  as  a  user.  The processing is necessary in order for Us to be  able  to  fulfill Our  contractual  obligations  to  You,  such  as  creating  and  administering  your  user  account  on  "Profile  settings"  to  take  part  in  promotions and administer payments.


Name,  Email,  full  name,  and  user  history.

To  be  able  to  handle  support requests.

The  user  agreement  we  have  entered  into  with  You  provides  the  legal basis  for  assisting  you  in  questions about the App or other matters related  to promotions and  possibly asking follow-up  questions  about  how  you  feel  the  Service  has  worked for you as a user.


Bank  account,  full  social  security  number  and  full  name.

To  be  able  to  pay  your  earned  payment  to  your  bank account as well as tax  and  social  security  contributions.

The user  agreement  we  have  entered  into  with  You provides the legal basis for the processing of  personal  data. The  processing  is  necessary  in  order  for  Us  to  be  able  to  fulfil  our  contractual  obligations  to  You  and  to  pay  the  payment  you  have  earned  by conducting  and successfully  published promotions. Payment is made through  a third party to us.


E-mail, as well as in some  cases  phone number,  address, user  history,  and other  standard technical information.

To  be  able  to  send  information  about  the  Service (such as about new  features  or  promotions),general marketing  (such  as  sending  our  newsletters)  and  personal  direct  marketing.

The legal basis is Our legitimate interest in being  able  to make  Dig  aware  of new features,  promotions and updates around the Service. The  processing is necessary to provide you with offers  of new promotions or services that we believe you  may  be  interested  in,  as  well  as  other  useful  information related to the Service.


E-mail  and  other information  you  have  entered,  user  history,  and  standard  technical  information.

To be able to make updates  and  improvements  to  the  App, and  to  ensure  the  technical  functionality  of  our computer systems.

The legal basis is Our legitimate interest in being  able  to  make  updates  to  the  technology  that  enables  you  to  visit  and  use  Our  App,  or  to  understand  how  You  as  a  user  experience  our  Service and thereby improve and develop it.


Full  name,  user  history,  and  campaign results.

To  be able  to  certain  your  results  after  a  campaign  and provide statistics.

The legal basis is Our legitimate interest in being  able  to  make  Your  results  available  to  You  and  provide statistics on the use of the App.


E-mail  and  other information  you have  entered,  user history,  and standard  technical information.

In  order  to  prevent  abuse  of Our Service.

It  is  Our  legitimate  interest  to  provide  a  secure  Service  that  may  prevent  attempts  at  unauthorized  access  or  unauthorized  use  of  our  Service.


E-mail, as well as in some  cases  phone number  and address.

In  order  to  unregister  the  users  who  announce  that  they  do  not  want  marketing from us.

Legitimate interest, at the request of an individual,  shall not receive marketing mailings.


E-mail  and  other information  you  have  entered,  user  history,  and  standard  technical  information.

In  order  to  comply  with  Our  obligations  under  law  such  as  regarding  product  safety,  government  decisions,  accounting  requirements or under tax  laws.

The  legal  basis  is  to  be  able  to  fulfil  Our  legal  obligations by law or regulations.


Your follower count  as  well  as  photos  from  Your  Instagram account.

In order to be able to rake  out your value which is the  basis  for  compensation  You

The  user  agreement  we  have  entered  into  with  You provides the legal basis for the processing of  personal  data.  The  processing  is  necessary  in  order  for  Us  to  be  able  to  fulfil  our  contractual  obligations  to  You  and  to  pay  the  payment  you  have  earned  by conducting  and successfully  published promotions. Payment is made through a  third party to us.  


Your home address. 

In order to send goods and  products  to  you  as  required  for  you  to  carry  out campaigns.

The  user  agreement  we  have  entered  into  with  You provides the legal basis for the processing of  personal  data.  The  processing  is  necessary  in  order  for  Us  to  be  able  to  fulfil  our  contractual  obligations  to  You  and  to  pay  the  payment  you  have  earned  by conducting  and successfully  published promotions. Payment is made through a  third party to us.  

4. Are we subject to personal data?

We  only  share  your  personal  data when required  to  use  the  Service, when it is  a legal  requirement  or  otherwise when permitted by law. In some cases, we may use a data processor, which is a company that  processes the information on our behalf and as instructed. When We share your data with data processors,  these will be used for the same purpose for which We originally collected it (for example, in order to fulfil  Our obligations under our user agreement with You or otherwise by law). 

We share your information with the following: 

1) IT services (companies that manage communication between You and Society Icon, necessary operation, technical support and maintenance of Our IT solutions), 
2) The companies whose campaigns You balt to apply to, and 
3) Our payment service that pays out your earned money (PE. Accounting).)

5. Where do we process personal data?

We always strive for your personal data to be processed within the EU/EEA and all our own IT systems are  located within the EU/EEA. However, in the case of system support and maintenance, We may be required  to transfer the information to a country outside the EU/EEA, for example if we share your personal data  with  a  data  processor  who,  either  by  yourself  or  through  a  subcontractor,  is  established  or  stores  information in a country outside the EU/EEA. In such cases, the assistant may only consult the information  relevant to the purpose (e.g. log files). Where personal data are processed outside the EU/EEA, the level of  protection is guaranteed either  by a  decision  of  the European Commission  that  the  country in  question  ensures an adequate level of protection or through the use of so-called appropriate safeguards. Examples  of  appropriate  safeguards  are  approved  code  of  conduct  in  the  recipient  country,  standard  contractual  clauses, binding internal rules or through the Privacy Shield. 

6. What are cookies and how do we use it?

By using the App, you agree to the use of cookies, i.e. information stored permanently on your device for the  provision of the Service and for the Service to function as intended. 

7. Tracking

We do not share any user data with data brokers or third-party entities for resale or external analysis. The user data we collect (e.g., for authentication and basic analytics) is used solely within our organization to improve the user experience. We do not sell or rent any user data to data brokers or other third parties.

Our app does not collect personal or usage data for marketing or advertising purposes, nor do we link user data with any external third-party data sets. We use a standard analytics service exclusively for internal metrics such as the number of daily active users, session length, and error logs. No personally identifiable information (PII) is linked or shared with advertising networks or used for marketing campaigns.

Our app does not collect cookies for tracking purposes. When users view web content within the app, only necessary session cookies may be used by the website to maintain login states or basic functionality. These cookies are not used to track or profile users across other apps or websites, nor does our app collect or store them for advertising or marketing purposes.

8. Links 

From the Service may contain links to other websites provided by companies other than Showroom. This  Policy does not apply to other companies' websites. You should therefore review their privacy policy. 

9. How long do we store personal data?

We process information about You as a user in order to provide you with the best service and we store your information for as long as the data is necessary to fulfill the purposes for which the data was originally collected. The data may also be stored for the period required by applicable law. 

Your user account is valid until you terminate it yourself, and will not cease if the Service is not used or be  dependent on any use of the Service. 

If you no longer wish to be a user, we will delete your data no later than 6 months after We receive Your  notice of termination. You may choose to no longer receive mailings of various kinds from Us at any time  by contacting us at 

10. What are your rights? 

We always want to be transparent about how we process your data. If you wish to gain insight into your  personal data processing, you have the right to request access to your data via a register extract. If We  receive a request from You, We may request additional information to ensure that We disclose the  information to the right person. A request for a register extract must be signed in writing from You. You  also always have the right to request that your personal data be corrected. You have the option to log in to  your user account and correct incorrect information. 

You may request the deletion of Your information to the extent that is in accordance with applicable law  and under contract with You and We will always do Our best to comply with Your request for  deletion. You also have the right to object to Our processing (for example, if any of the data collected is  incorrect). In some cases, We may not be able to comply with Your request for deletion, if the information  is needed to comply with applicable law. Your personal data may not be processed for direct marketing or profiling if you object to such processing. 

11. Where do you lodge a complaint and which authority is responsible? 

If you believe that We have handled your personal data incorrectly, you can always contact Us. The Swedish  Data Protection Authority is responsible for supervision in accordance with data protection legislation and anyone who believes that there is improper handling of personal data can make a complaint to the Swedish  Data Protection Authority. 

12. How can you contact us for questions about your personal data? 

Our goal is to always provide you with simple and accurate information about how We use your personal data. With Us, the privacy of Our users is important, and we are  constantly working on improvements  so that you as a member always feel safe when you provide your information to Us. If you have any questions about how We use your personal data, please contact Our Customer Service via: 

Morning Venture One AB
Rörstrandsgatan 24
113 40, Stockholm